My Services

My Service Areas

Individual Life Coaching

The intention of individual life coaching is to aid, support and inspire the you in creating a more optimal life for yourself.  My somatically oriented life coaching works on physical, emotional and mental levels to develop insight into and change core beliefs and strategies for navigating life so that you can engage with life in a way that is more authentic, empowering and fulfilling.   In my work I regularly support clients in shifting out of feeling stuck in their lives, navigating difficult transitions, finding purpose and direction in their life, envisioning what they want to pursue in their life and manifesting that vision. 

Relationship Coaching

Our closest relationships are our most rewarding and, sometimes, our most challenging relationships to navigate.  Relationship coaching is a process intended to help you derive more satisfaction from your relationship, navigate difficult transitions together and deepen your connection with each other by developing better communication skills, creating mutually beneficial agreements together and focusing on enjoying each other, knowing each other more deeply, creating a more  rewarding sexual connection and supporting each other’s growth. 

In our relationship counseling sessions we will focus on developing clearer more effective communication, learning to manage and resolve conflict in a way that benefits each of you and the relationship and using points of tension in your relationship as opportunities to grow as individuals and create deeper intimacy and a stronger, more rewarding relationship. I encourage couples to consider coaching not just as a “last resort,” but as a chance to grow and explore together when some problems arise. Doing this may not only help resolve issues, but also create more commitment and intimacy. Small issues may develop into opportunities for greater closeness and growth, rather than quietly growing into larger problems.

When relationship issues cannot be resolved. When couples decide to go their separate ways I work with them to help navigate this difficult period with more compassion, grace, and ease, maximizing the potential for each partner to heal and find meaning in the process. In my work I do not make judgments about who is right or wrong in a conflict, rather I work to facilitate greater communication, consensus and intimacy.

I have expertise working with relationships of all kinds, including same sex relationships, polyamorous relationships and cross-cultural relationships.

Premarital Counseling

Considering marriage, engaged, or recently married? Congratulations on your choice to commit to a deep lasting relationship with someone you love. This is an exciting, important time that you will remember throughout your life. This is a time in your relationship when conscious reflection and emotional honesty can reap great rewards and potentially save you unnecessary suffering. Often the time and energy it takes to plan a wedding eclipses the much more important task of preparing for your marriage and spending the rest of your lives together. Preparing to spend your lives together is the purpose of premarital counseling.

Now is the time to:

  • Develop communication skills and conflict resolution skills that will help you support each other in good times and bad.
  • Discuss expectations you and your partner have about commitment.
  • Deal with issues around money and intimacy.
  • Marriage will challenge you to deal with these important areas of your life.
  • Connect with and strengthen your individual and shared values and aspirations.
  • Face whatever obstacles exist in your relationship while they are still relatively easy.

I offer a package of 6 ninety minute premarital counseling sessions focused on helping newlyweds navigate the challenging but rewarding terrain of building a life together as a couple.

Sex Coaching

I offer sex coaching to clients seeking to enhance their sex lives, understand and develop their sexuality or who are trying to deal with sexual issues. In my practice I work with clients to developing engaged, pleasurable and fulfilling sex lives that work for them. My practice is LGBTQ+, poly and kink aware and friendly.

I also work with clients in dealing with sexual issues including:

  • Out of control sexual behavior (sometimes known as “sex addiction”)
  • Aging related sexual issues
  • Infidelity
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Premature ejaculation
  • Sexual pain
  • Hyper and hypo-active sex drive
  • Mismatch of desire
  • Issues specific to sexual orientation and/or gender
  • Issues specific to poly or open relationships
  • Issues specific to kink

Expressing ourselves and connecting with others sexually and sensually in a way that works for us is an incredibly important part of our finding fulfillment as individuals and satisfaction in our relationships. If you are interested in exploring this area in either individual life coaching or relationship coaching, I will be happy to assist you.

“Hayden helped me by offering astute observations–kind when needed, honest and straightforward when needed, clear and helpful always–and by creating an environment that allowed me to look inward much more clearly, and discover and work through and address things I wanted to address.”

– BG

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