Get Started

that reflects joy, confidence, and personal growth?

 build a life

How would you like to

Discover clarity and develop a clear sense of direction, empowering you to set and achieve meaningful goals that align with your true desires.

Have help identifying and overcoming self-limiting beliefs. This will boost your confidence and enable you to approach life with a renewed sense of self-assurance.

With personalized support, you’ll learn to manage and thrive through life’s transitions, developing resilience and adaptability to face changes with confidence.

You will be provided the tools and strategies needed to build and maintain healthy habits, leading to consistent progress and a more fulfilling lifestyle.

To this!

Feeling like you’re at a standstill in life, unsure of which path to take or how to achieve your goals.

Struggling with self-doubt and a lack of confidence can hinder personal growth and success.

Feeling overwhelmed due to major life changes, such as career shifts or relationship changes which can be challenging to navigate.

Frustration and lack of progress due to difficulty developing and maintaining healthy habits.  

Go from…

A fulfilling life is within your reach—let’s make it happen!

Get Started Now

We’ll work on identifying and overcoming obstacles, developing positive habits, and aligning your life with your core values. Using a holistic approach that integrates both mind and body, these sessions will provide you with the insights, tools and strategies to handle life’s transitions and empower you to create a fulfilling, balanced, and joyful life.

In these coaching sessions, I will create a supportive and non-judgmental environment where you can explore your goals, challenges, and aspirations. Each session is customized to your unique needs, focusing on helping you gain clarity, build confidence, and develop actionable plans to achieve your personal and professional goals. 

Holistic Individual Life Coaching

Life Beyond Limits

A happy, healthy, and fulfilling physical life is 100% possible, regardless of what your relationship status or personal desires might be, and I can help you achieve it.

If you struggle to communicate your preferences to potential partners and have defaulted to staying single as a result, we can explore various options to increase your confidence.

If a relationship is the last thing you want but you’d like to have an intimate connection with yourself or others, we can build towards it.

If you need help in navigating your sexual well-being, personal desires, or sexual concerns, I’ve got you covered.

If having a mutually satisfying physical relationship is one of your future goals, but you’re feeling a little uneasy because you’ve experienced failed relationships in the past due to sexual incompatibility, we can work through it.

I’m a certified Sexologist and relationship coach, and I believe sexual pleasure and sensuality are an innate aspect of our well-being and fulfillment in life. No matter what your preferences or desires are in this area, I’m not going to blush, I’m not going to judge, and I’m here to support you.

My practice is LGBTQIA+, poly-, and kink-aware and friendly, ensuring everyone feels welcome and understood.

Beyond your personal and professional growth and happiness, we can also explore various aspects of your personal life such as relationship desires and sexual fulfillment.

Here’s what you get with Life Beyond Limits Holistic Life Coaching:

Core Values Alignment

Habit Formation

Ongoing Support

Holistic Approach

Personalized Coaching

Flexible Session Options

Confidence Building

Goal Setting and Planning

Overcoming Obstacles

Life Transition Support

— PB

I began seeing Hayden about seven months ago. I am a generally skeptical person; but my first few sessions with Hayden convinced me that I might finally be able to manage some of the nagging issues in my life that I hadn't been able to successfully navigate. Hayden then quickly became a person whose counsel I value highly and who I look forward to conversing with. I feel like with Hayden's help and direction I have figured out more in those seven months than I have in the last twenty years.

Hayden has helped me look at issues in my life from a new perspective that have made my day to day experiences a lot less frustrating and confusing while also giving me confidence.


— FC

I've been seeing Hayden for a year now, and because of the work he and I have done together I now live the life I want to lead. I was having MANY issues and struggling just to function day to day, but because of the tools and insight Hayden has given me, I am now very fulfilled, strong and stable and look forward to each day!

Hayden has never made me feel judged or pushed me into lifestyle changes I didn't want to pursue, but he helped me realize what I really wanted from my life, the value of myself, and who my true self really is.


Let’s Get Started!

Take control of your future.

Don’t wait to start living your best life!